Convert 500 Grams (gr) to Kilograms (kg)

500 Grams (gr) to Kilograms (kg), Grams - Kilograms calculator. What is 500 Grams in Kilograms. You can calculate more units with our Converter Unit Tools

500 Grams
0.5 kg
500 Grams to 0.5 Kilograms

Weight Conversion Tool

The gram (gr) and kilogram (kg) are units used to measure weight. Use one of the conversion calculators below to convert to another unit of measure, or read on to learn more about gram.

Weight Units Conversion

Definition of weight is very different from what we understand in life. Technically, weight is a force, in particular, the force exerted by the Earth (or another planet) on an object. What we usually call weight in our everyday life is technically referred to as mass, and it measures the amount of matter in an object.

Source: Wiki