Pressure Converter

Convert a pressure measurement using the conversion calculator below.

Convert From
Pascal (Pa)
KiloPascal (kPa)
MegaPascal (MPa)
HectoPascal (hPa)
Millibar (mbar)
Microbar (μbar)
Atmosphere (atm)
Convert To
Pascal (Pa)
KiloPascal (kPa)
MegaPascal (MPa)
HectoPascal (hPa)
Millibar (mbar)
Microbar (μbar)
Atmosphere (atm)

Use this pressure conversion tool to convert between Pascal, bar, psi, ksi, atm and other units of pressure.

How do you calculate Pressure?

You can easily convert pressure units with this tool. Its definition, pressure is the force applied perpendicular to the surface, divided by the the area its applied over.

This pressure conversion calculator works by typing number first input box and choose convert from and convert to selectboxes and press (or touch) Calculate Button. The pressure converter then returns your results in each unit in real time.

Convert from bar to psi, convert from kPa to pascal...

With Pressure converter, you can easily and effortlessly convert bar to psi (and psi to bar), pascal to kpa, pascal to mmHg or any other two pressure units you want.

We offer the full list of available pressure units below:

  • Pascal (Pa)
  • Bar
  • Psi
  • KiloPascal (kPa)
  • MegaPascal (MPa)
  • HectoPascal (hPa)
  • Millibar (mbar)
  • Microbar (μbar)
  • Ksi
  • St. Atmosphere (atm)
  • mmHg
  • Torr
  • Psf

Depending on your needs you might use the pressure converter in different ways.

Most Popular Pressure Conversions

There is list of the most popular pressure conversions and examples below.

kPa to Psi

Get the Answer how many psi are in a Kilopascal:

1 kPa ≈ 0.145 psi

mmHg to Pascal

how many pascals are in a mmHg:

1 mmHg ≈ 133.322 pascals (Pa)

bar to psi / psi to bar

1 bar ≈ 14.50 psi 1 psi ≈ 0.0689 bar

atm to mmHg

how many mmHg are in an atm:

1 atm ≈ 760.0 mmHg

Convert Psi to Kg (Kilogram)

There is no Psi to kilogram unit conversion but there is psi to kg/cm². To convert PSI value to kg/cm2 multiply it by 0.070307

1 pound = 0.45359237 kg
1 in2 = 6.4516 cm2
Now, 1 PSI = 1 lbf / 1 in2 = (0.45359237 / 6.4516) kg/cm2
1 PSI = 0.070307 kg/cm2